Katedra podnikové ekonomiky
Katedra podnikové ekonomiky je odborným akademickým pracovištěm, které zajišťuje výuku v příslušných oblastech pro studijní obory akreditovaného bakalářského, magisterského a MBA studia.
Výukové a odborné konzultace (SP/BP/DP)
- Osobní konzultace a videokonzultace (výuka, písemné práce) s akademickým pracovníkem jsou možné pouze po objednání na daný termín prostřednictvím Rezervační aplikace VŠEM.
Katedra doporučuje
Studijní předměty
Civilní proces | Manažerské účetnictví |
Daně a daňová politika | Manažerský controlling |
Daňová teorie a politika | Měření firemní výkonnosti |
Daňový systém a administrativa | Neziskové organizace |
Daňový systém a administrativa | Obchodní právo |
Ekonomika podniku I | Oceňování podniku |
Ekonomika podniku II | Operační programy |
Ekonomika podniku a organizací | Podniková ekonomika |
Etika podnikání | Pojistné a majetkové daně |
Finance a finanční trhy | Politologie a mezinárodní vztahy |
Finanční analýza | Pracovní právo |
Finanční management | Právní prostředí |
Finanční management a finanční analýza | Právní prostředí a společnost |
Finanční řízení a rozhodování | Smluvní právo |
Finanční strategie podniku | Strategie podniku a organizací |
Finanční účetnictví | Účetnictví a finance |
Manažerská ekonomika | Základy práva |
Manažerská ekonomika II | Základy účetnictví |
Doc. Enzo Essenza, D.Phil., M.P.A.
Change Management, Deep Vocation: Discovering Your Purpose, Deep vocation: Discovering your purpose & potential, Inovace, Politologie, Politologie a mezinárodní vztahy, Transformative Education, World Futures
Pracuje jako inovátor v oblastech vzdělávání a HR s dvacetiletou praxí na univerzitách i v privátním sektoru. V oblasti lidských zdrojů se zaměřuje na strategie a transformační projekty. Jeho cílem je připravit jednotlivce, týmy a organizace na budoucnost.
Od roku 1999 vedl sedm grantů Evropské unie, norské Rady pro výzkum, Nadace OSN či projekt School for Transformative Leadership, jímž prošlo 4000 studentů a učitelů.
Pracuje také na studijních programech orientovaných na udržitelnost a rozvoj lidského potenciálu. Studentům přináší inspirativní pohledy, příklady a zkušenosti z firemního prostředí. Magisterský titul obhájil na Harvard University, doktorát na University of Oxford a docenturu na VŠE
Publikační činnost
(Due to marriage, I changed my name to Enzo Essenza in 2019.)
- Essenza, Enzo, forthcoming. Beyond Futures as Usual: Catalysing the Next Renaissance. Publisher in negotiation.
- Matthew Rich-Tolsma and Gaudenz Assenza, 2013. Transformative Leadership and Higher Education: An Encounterbook. Olomouc: Palacky University Press.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 2013. Handbook for Student Leaders: A Guide to Successful Studies. Olomouc: Palacky University Press.
- Reddy, Sudhakara, Gaudenz Assenza, Franziska Hasselmann, and Dora Assenza, 2009. Energy Efficiency and Climate Change: Conserving Power for a Sustainable Future. Sage Publications.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 2008. How to Succeed at the University and Get the Most out of Your Studies. Samotisky, Czech Republic: A [&] M Publishing.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 2004. Using Markets for the Environment: An Outline of 21st Century Environmental Policy. Periplum.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1992. Beyond the Market: Economics for the 21st Century. West Hoathly, UK: New Economy Publications.
Edited books
- Assenza, Gaudenz, and Dora Assenza (eds), 2007. Environmentální výchova [Environmental education], Volume 5, Olomouc, Czech Republic: Center for Innovative Education, Pedagogical Faculty, Palacky University Olomouc.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, and Dora Assenza (eds), 2007. Jak přežít na univerzitě [University survival skills], Volume 10, Olomouc, Czech Republic: Center for Innovative Education, Pedagogical Faculty, Palacky University Olomouc.
Book chapters
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 2017. Foreword. In: Daniela Angelina Jelinčić, Innovations in Culture and Development. The Culturinno Effect in Public Policy. Springer, vii-xv.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, and Markus Molz, 2015. The Krumlovia Project: Implementing a New Paradigm of Integrative Development’. In F. Miszlivetz (Ed.), Creative Cities and Sustainability. Sopron: Savaria University Press, 161-204.
- Gary P. Hampson, Gaudenz Assenza, and Kamil Gregor, 2013. „Education in the 21st Century - towards a “University of the Future“, In: André Papmehl and Hans J. Tümmers (eds), Die Arbeitswelt im 21. Jahrhundert: Herausforderungen, Perspektiven, Lösungsansätze. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, 95-105.
- Assenza, Gaudenz 2008. ‘Basic Income: Questions and Answers‘. In: Otto Neumaier, Gottfried Schweiger, Clemens Sedmak (eds), Perspectives on Work. Wien-Münster: LIT-Verlag, 95-110.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, and Dora Assenza, 2007. ‘Televize a násilí: zhodnocení mezinárodního výzkumu‘. [Television and Violence: A Survey of International Research] In: Dora Assenza (ed), Přístup k dětem podle individuálního psychického vývoje [Approaching children according to their individual psychological development], Volume 8, Olomouc, Czech Republic: Centre for Innovative Education, Pedagogical Faculty, Palacky University Olomouc, 255-302.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 2007. ‘Jak dobře psát, jak si zvolit téma, jak vytvořit dobrou prezentaci.‘ [How to write well, select a topic, and create a good presentation] In: Gaudenz B. Assenza a Dora Assenza, Jak přežít na universitě [University survival skills]. Volume 10, Olomouc, Czech Republic: Centre for Innovative Education, Pedagogical Faculty, Palacky University Olomouc, 93-113.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, and Robert Zbíral, 2005. ‘Framework Conditions for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency in Kazakhstan’. In: Economic Commission for Europe, Experience of International Organizations in Promoting Energy Efficiency: Kazakhstan. ECE Energy Series No. 24. New York and Geneva: United Nations, 3-33.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, and Robert Zbíral, 2005. ‘International Organizations and Energy Efficiency: Lessons of Experience in Kazakhstan’. In: Economic Commission for Europe, Experience of International Organizations in Promoting Energy Efficiency: Kazakhstan. ECE Energy Series No. 24. New York and Geneva: United Nations, 35-74.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, and Emilia Istrate, 2005. ‘Framework Conditions for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency in Belarus’. In: Economic Commission for Europe, Experience of International Organizations in Promoting Energy Efficiency: Belarus. ECE Energy Series No. 22. New York and Geneva: United Nations, 3-52.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, and Emilia Istrate, 2005. ‘International Organizations and Energy Efficiency: Lessons of Experience in Belarus’. In: Economic Commission for Europe, Experience of International Organizations in Promoting Energy Efficiency: Belarus. ECE Energy Series No. 22. New York and Geneva: United Nations, 54-96.
Lena Kempmann, Gaudenz Assenza, Sergey S. Lysov, and Anastasia A. Maximova, 2005. ‘Framework Conditions for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency in the Russian Federation’. In: Economic Commission for Europe, Experience of International Organizations in Promoting Energy Efficiency: The Russian Federation. ECE Energy Series No. 25. New York and Geneva: United Nations, 3-47. - Assenza, Gaudenz, Lena Kempmann, Sergey S. Lysov, and Anastasia A. Maximova, 2005. ‘International Organizations and Energy Efficiency: Lessons of Experience in the Russian Federation’. In: Economic Commission for Europe, Experience of International Organizations in Promoting Energy Efficiency: The Russian Federation. ECE Energy Series No. 25. New York and Geneva: United Nations, 49-97.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, Mikael Brodin, and Ana Teresa Villarreal, 2005. ‘Transition Economies: Country Case Studies’. In: Economic Commission for Europe, Financing Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Mitigation: A Guide for Investors in Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine. ECE Energy Series No. 28. New York and Geneva: United Nations, 4-45.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, Mikael Brodin, and Ana Teresa Villarreal, 2005. ‘The Development of the National Energy Sector in Transition Economies’. In: Economic Commission for Europe, Financing Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Mitigation: A Guide for Investors in Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine. ECE Energy Series No. 28. New York and Geneva: United Nations, 46-122.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, Mikael Brodin, and Ana Teresa Villarreal, 2005. ‘Financing Energy Efficiency in Transition Economies’. In: Economic Commission for Europe, Financing Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Mitigation: A Guide for Investors in Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine. ECE Energy Series No. 28. New York and Geneva: United Nations, 123-202.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, Mikael Brodin, and Ana Teresa Villarreal, 2005. ‘Climate Change Mitigation in Transition Economies: Joint Implementation and Emissions Trading’. In: Economic Commission for Europe, Financing Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Mitigation: A Guide for Investors in Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine. ECE Energy Series No. 28. New York and Geneva: United Nations, 203-224.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, and Milka Janakieva, 2004. ‘Framework Conditions for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency in Bulgaria’. In: Economic Commission for Europe, Experience of International Organizations in Promoting Energy Efficiency: Bulgaria. ECE Energy Series No. 23. New York and Geneva: United Nations, 3-41.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, and Milka Janakieva, 2004. ‘International Organizations and Energy Efficiency: Lessons of Experience in Bulgaria’. In: Economic Commission for Europe, Experience of International Organizations in Promoting Energy Efficiency: Bulgaria. ECE Energy Series No. 23. New York and Geneva: United Nations, 43-67.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, and Oksana Nyshta, 2004. ‘Framework Conditions for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency in Ukraine’. In: Economic Commission for Europe, Experience of International Organizations in Promoting Energy Efficiency: Ukraine. ECE Energy Series No. 26. New York and Geneva: United Nations, 3-25.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, and Oksana Nyshta, 2004. ‘International Organizations and Energy Efficiency: Lessons of Experience in Ukraine’. In: Economic Commission for Europe, Experience of International Organizations in Promoting Energy Efficiency: Ukraine. ECE Energy Series No. 26. New York and Geneva: United Nations, 27-48.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1993. ‘The Future of Energy’. In: Isaak Devash et al (eds), Vision. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 67-80.
Journal articles
- Reddy, Sudhakara, Gaudenz Assenza, Franziska Hasselmann, and Dora Assenza, 2013. ‘Barriers and Drivers to Energy Efficiency: A New Taxonomical Approach’. Energy Conversion Management, (Impact factor 4.380, ISSN 0196-8904) vol. 74, pp. 403–416. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0196890414006025)
- Zdenka Sokolíčková, Gaudenz Assenza, and Aliaksandr Martynau, 2012. 'Silná Evropa? Ekonomická krize a ekologické závazky' [How Strong is Europe? Economic Crisis and Environmental Liabilities] Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Philosophica et Historica, Studia Sociologica XVI - Naše Společná Přítomnost I, 35-54.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, Zdenka Sokolíčková, and Aliaksandr Martynau, 2011. ‘The Ideational Background of the Global Economic Crisis’ Humanicus, no. 6, 1-23.
- Reddy, Sudhakara, and Gaudenz Assenza, 2009. ‘The Great Climate Debate’. Energy Policy (Impact factor 3.651, ISSN 0301-4215), vol. 37, no. 8, 2997-3008. [35 citations]
- Reddy, Sudhakara, and Gaudenz Assenza, 2009. ‘Climate Change: A Developing Country Perspective’. Current Science (Impact factor 0.935, ISSN 0011-3891), vol. 97, no. 1 (July), 50-62.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, and Dora Assenza, 2007. ‘Do the Media Contribute to Violence in Society? Lessons from International Research’, The New Educational Review, vol. 13, no. 3-4, 23-61.
- Zbíral, Robert, and Gaudenz Assenza, 2006. ‘Perspektivy evropské daně’ [Perspectives on European Taxes]. Mezinárodní Politika XXX: 7/2006.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, and Dora Assenza, 2005. ‘The Paradox of Increasing Timidity’. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultas Philosophica Politologica 4, 25-42.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 2004. ‘Climate Policy: A Review of the Debate’. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultas Philosophica Politologica 3, 29-44.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1993. ‘Toward a New Energy Scenario’. Threefold Review Summer/Fall.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1993. ‘Productive Lending’. New Economy, March-April.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1993. ‘Nuclear or Renewable: The Economics of Energy’. New Economy, January-February.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1992. ‘Freedom and the Market’. New Economy, November-December.
Conference proceedings
- Assenza, Gaudenz, Zdenka Sokolíčková, and Aliaksandr Martynau, 2010. 'The Global Financial Crisis: A Chance to Rethink Basic Economic Assumptions?' In: Nad’a Fuksová (ed.), Financial Crisis: Proceedings. Bratislava: Slovak Statistical and Demographical Society and European Institute for Development and Education, 20-33.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, and Dora Assenza, 2006. 'Televize a násilí: zhodnocení mezinárodního výzkumu'. [Television and Violence: A Survey of International Research‘. In: Antonín Staněk (ed), Násilí Páchané na Dětech [Violence against Children]. Olomouc, Czech Republic: Department of Social Science, Faculty of Education, Palacky University Olomouc, 7-26.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1998. 'The Global Financial Crisis: The Changing Relationship between the “Real” and the Financial Economy'. In: Nicanor Perlas (ed), Shaping the Future. Tagaytay City, Philippines: Centre for Alternative Development Initiatives, 23-42.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1998. 'Some Thoughts on Associative Economics'. In: National Conference Proceedings: Civil Society: Creative Responses to the Challenge of Globalization. Tagaytay City, Philippines: Centre for Alternative Development Initiatives, 86-97.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1998. 'Transforming Foreign Investment'. In: National Conference Proceedings: Civil Society: Creative Responses to the Challenge of Globalization. Tagaytay City, Philippines: Centre for Alternative Development Initiatives, 98-103.
Reports and working papers
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 2020. Projekt Krumlovia: Vzdělávací městečko – vzdělávací město. Prague, Institutions for the Future.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, and Aliaksandr Martynau, 2010. 'The Financial Crisis: A Brief History of the Future'. In: Elke Fein (ed), Wirtschaft in der Zeitenwende: Zur Vision einer Maßwirtschaft der Lebensfülle und Schritte zu ihrer Verwirklichung. Germany: IFIS, Freiburg.
- Reddy, Sudhakara, and Gaudenz Assenza, 2008. ‘The Great Climate Debate: A Developing Country Perspective’. Working Paper 2008-008. Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai.
- Reddy, Sudhakara, and Gaudenz Assenza, 2007. ‘Barriers and Drivers to Energy Efficiency: A New Taxonomical Approach’. Working Paper 2007-003. Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 2002. ‘Promoting Energy Efficiency in Economies in Transition: The Case of Ukraine’. FNI Report 3/2002. Lysaker, Norway: The Fridtjof Nansen Institute.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 2002. ‘Promoting Energy Efficiency in Economies in Transition: The Case of Bulgaria’. FNI Report 2/2002. Lysaker, Norway: The Fridtjof Nansen Institute.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 2001. ‘Promoting Energy Efficiency in Central and Eastern Europe: The Role of Multilateral Institutions’. FNI Report 11/2001. Lysaker, Norway: The Fridtjof Nansen Institute.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 2001. ‘The Performance of the Multilateral System in Promoting Energy Efficiency in Central and Eastern Europe: Research Design’. Report 1/2001. Samotisky, Czech Republic: Yonika Sustainable Development Research.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 2000. ‘Mobilizing Private Capital for the Global Environment: A Theoretical Analysis of the Process of Attracting Private Investment to Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects’. FNI Report 4/2000. Lysaker, Norway: The Fridtjof Nansen Institute.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1997. ‘What Does it Take to Attract Private Investors to Environmental Projects? Framework and Analysis. Research Note No. 5. Lysaker, Norway: The Fridtjof Nansen Institute.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1996. ‘Leveraging Private Capital: A Conceptual Note’. Research Note No. 3. Lysaker, Norway: The Fridtjof Nansen Institute, 10.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1996. Mobilizing Private Capital for Environment and Development. Lysaker, Working Paper No. 1, Norway: The Fridtjof Nansen Institute. 83.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1996.‘Financial Globalization: Toward a Theoretical Framework’. Working Paper No. 2. Lysaker, Norway: The Fridtjof Nansen Institute, 39.
Newspaper and Internet articles
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 2013. ‘Vědecké základy waldorfské pedagogiky’ [‚Scientific Foundations of Waldorf Pedagogy‘] [Internet] Waldorf, 2 May 2013 [cited 3 October 2013]. Available from: http://www.waldorf.sk/?p=421
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1995. ‘Useriøse Medieforskere?’. Oslo, Norway: Aftenposten, 15 March 1995.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1994. ‘Fjernsyn og Vold: Er der en Sammenheng?. Oslo, Norway: Aftenposten, 28 December 1994.
Works for scientific qualification
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 2005. ‘Markets for Nature: The Provision of Public Goods in the Age of Globalization’. Habilitation (post-doctoral thesis for the degree „Docent“, equiv. to “Privatdozent”). Prague, Czech Republic: University of Economics.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 2003. ‘Moblizing Private Capital for the Global Environment: A Theoretical Analysis of the Process of Attracting Private Investment to Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency’. D.Phil. thesis, Oxford, UK: University of Oxford.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1994. ‘Electronic Media and Interpersonal Communication’. Masters thesis, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
Major reports and working papers
- Essenza, Enzo, and Markus Molz, forthcoming. University for the Future: Institutional Design. nextRenaissance Initiative.
- Essenza, Enzo, and Markus Molz, forthcoming. University for the Future: Curriculum Design. nextRenaissance Initiative.
- Essenza, Enzo, forthcoming. University for the Future: Programme Design. nextRenaissance Initiative.
- Essenza, Enzo, forthcoming. University for the Future: Team and Organisational Culture. nextRenaissance Initiative.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 2015. The Krumlovia Project: Learning Village – Learning City. nextRenaissance Initiative.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1994. Another Caucasus? The Potential for Ethnic Unrest and Economic Revolt in Central Asia. Medford, MA: The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1994. Poverty in America: Three Essays. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1994. Rethinking Jefferson's Doctrine: The Separation of Church and State in the Light of Waco, Texas. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Divinity School.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1994. Television and Violence: Is the Debate Over? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1994. The Effects of Television: A Synthesis. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1994. Mass Media and Interpersonal Communication. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government and Department of Psychology.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1994. Love and Adult Development: An Analysis of Robert Kegan's Constructive-Developmental Framework. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Graduate School of Education.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1993. Strategies in the War on AIDS: Toward a decisive Victory or a Battle of Attrition? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1993. The Debt Crisis in Developing Countries. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1993. Political Stability in Central Asia. Geneva, Switzerland: The Graduate Institute of International Studies.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1992. Expanding Europe to the East. London: Middlesex Business School.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1992. Milton Friedman and Utilitarianism. London: Middlesex Business School.
- Assenza, Gaudenz, 1989. Die Ostpolitische Konzeption Henry Kissingers [Henry Kissinger's Foreign Policy toward Eastern Europe]. Reutlingen: ESB. 12.
Pedagogická činnost
- University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
- Catholic University in Ružomberok, Slovakia
- Palacký University, Czech Republic
- Instituto de Empresa / IE University, Madrid, Spain
- The University of Economics and Humanities, Bielsko-Biała, Poland
- Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany
- Valdosta State University, USA
Granty a členství
- 2015: Senior Researcher, Institute for Social and European Studies (ISES), Kőszeg, Hungary, “New Central Europe II” Research Scholarship Programme
- 2008: Scholar in Residence, Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Ethics and Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research, University of Salzburg, Austria.
- 2004-2008: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Johann Gottfried Herder Chair in Eastern European Studies (2006-2008), Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany (2004-2006)
- Civic Education Project (CEP), Yale University, New Haven, USA, Visiting Faculty Fellow, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
- 2015-2016: UK Government: Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEFCE), UK, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK
- 2010-2013: European Union / Czech Ministry of Education: Grant “Interdisciplinary School for Leadership and Innovation“ (School for Transformative Leadership)
- 2010: Czech Ministry of Education: Grant ‘The Global Economic Crisis: A Holistic Analysis from a Multi-Disciplinary Perspective’
- 2006-2008: European Union / Czech Ministry of Education: Grant “Enhancing the Employability of Palacký University Students: New Skills for the Knowledge Economy“
- 2005-2006: The Research Council of Norway: Grant for teaching and research, University of Tromsø, Norway
- 2003-2004: Flemish Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Grant to establish Training Centre for EU Affairs at Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic, in collaboration with the University of Antwerp, Belgium
- 2001-2003: Jan Hus Foundation: Grant to develop e-learning system at Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
- 2001-2003: UN Foundation/UN Fund for International Partnerships: Two international research grants on energy efficiency and climate change mitigation
- 1999-2002: US Information Agency, College and University Affiliations Program (CUAP), Partnership programme between Valdosta State University, Georgia, USA, and Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
- 1999-2001: The Research Council of Norway: Grant for research project ‘Making a Difference: The Performance of Multilateral Development Institutions in Environment and Governance’