Země |
Logo |
Název |
Spolupráce |
Poznámka |
Belgie |
Artesis Plantijn University College |
Erasmus |
Howest University of Applied Sciences |
Erasmus |
Bulharsko |
Burgas Free University |
Erasmus |
Čína |
Henan University of Finance, Economics and Law |
Memorandum of Understanding |
North China University of Water Conservancy and Electric Power |
Memorandum of Understanding |
Zhengzhou University of Light Industry |
Memorandum of Understanding |
Xinyang Normal University |
Memorandum of Understanding |
Zhongyuan University of Technology |
Memorandum of Understanding |
Huanghuai University |
Memorandum of Understanding |
Zhengzhou University of Industrial Technology |
Memorandum of Understanding |
Zhengzhou Sias University |
Memorandum of Understanding |
Henan Institute of Science and Technology |
Memorandum of Understanding |
Francie |
Excelia Group |
Erasmus |
ICN Business School |
Erasmus |
University of Lorraine (ISAM-IAE Nancy a ESM-IAE Metz) |
Erasmus |
Université Grenoble Alpes |
Erasmus |
Většina kurzů probíhá ve francouzštině. |
Indie |
SCMS Cochin School of Business |
Memorandum of Understanding |
Island |
University of Akureyri |
Erasmus |
Itálie |
Universita Degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro |
Erasmus |
Kazachstán |
Kazakh-British Technical University |
Memorandum of Understanding |
Kolumbie |
Universidad del Rosario |
Memorandum of Understanding |
Kypr |
P. A. College |
Erasmus |
Litva |
Mykolas Romeris University |
Erasmus |
Vilniaus kolegija / University of Applied Sciences |
Erasmus |
Lotyšsko |
Turiba University |
Erasmus |
Rezeknes Augstskola |
Erasmus |
Makedonie |
University American College Skopje |
Erasmus |
Maďarsko |
Tomori Pál College |
Erasmus |
Německo |
University of Applied Sciences (Eberswalde) |
Erasmus |
Výuka probíhá pouze v němčině. |
University of Applied Sciences (Koblenz) |
Erasmus |
University of Applied Sciences (Köln) |
Erasmus |
University of Applied Sciences (Regensburg) |
Erasmus |
Výuka probíhá pouze v němčině. |
University of Applied Sciences (Wedel) |
Erasmus |
University of Applied Sciences (Ravensburg-Weingarten) |
Erasmus |
Norsko |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Erasmus |
Polsko |
University of Gdansk |
Erasmus |
University of Euroregional Economy |
Erasmus |
Lazarski University |
Erasmus |
Katowice School of Economics |
Erasmus |
Portugalsko |
University Fernando Pessoa |
Erasmus |
Rakousko |
Management Center Innsbruck |
Erasmus |
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences |
Erasmus |
Většina kurzů probíhá v němčině. |
Rumunsko |
West University of Timisoara |
Erasmus |
Řecko |
University of Patras |
Erasmus |
Slovensko |
International School of Management Slovakia |
Erasmus |
Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave |
Erasmus |
Spojené státy americké |
Metropolitan College of New York |
Memorandum of Understanding |
Španělsko |
Universidad de Cordoba |
Erasmus |
University of Huelva |
Erasmus |
Švýcarsko |
Montreux Business University |
Elitní program |